Oh man. One of my favorite television events of the season
has “at last” (R.I.P. Etta) come and so quickly has gone. As usual, there was
an artist who went around snatchin’ up all the awards. Last year Beyonce had
everybody putting a ring on it as well as putting a check next to her name on
the nominee ballot, and this year it was Adele’s turn. It would appear there
were no hanging chads in this Grammy race and thank goodness cuz home girl
deserved every award she was nominated for. I’d go as far to say that she
should have won even the awards she wasn’t nominated for…Best R & B album, Best Rock Performance, Best Spoken Word...you get the idea. I’m a fan. Who knew
that a free Starbucks iTunes song of the week called Chasing Pavements back in
2008 would end with this only 4 years later? Crazy. I will say though, I was a little it
disappointed when she only performed one song. Definitely had my fingers
crossed for some sort of Glee inspired mash up, but seeing as she just
recovered from throat surgery it’s probably best to take things slow. All I
know is I was praying for the tears to start falling when she got record of the
year and they most certainly did. Plus, I think I’ve developed the biggest
friend crush ever when she blurted out in-between sniffles that she had snot
running down her nose.
Now as for the rest of the artists this evening….
Ok Taylor Swift. You know how much I love you. I’ve bought
all your albums and have all the lyrics memorized. But seriously, if your jaw
drops to the ground one more time, whether or not you get a standing ovation or
a Grammy, I’m gonna give you some more tears for your guitar. Frankly, nobody
including myself is buying your fake show of astonishment upon receiving any
form of recognition at this point. You’re good. People love you. You already have more Grammy’s
than you have bedazzled pink guitars so let's stop acting like it's breaking news.
Chris Brown. DAMN YOU!! I try so hard not to like you after what you did to my girl Rhianna, but then you keep coming out with awesome dance moves and catchy pop tunes that keep weaseling their way into my affections.
Jennifer Hudson. You nailed the Whitney Houston tribute, although I wouldn’t have minded if you had thrown in a little “Million Dollar Bill” to perk up the depressing white elephant in the room. But let’s get down to brass tacks. You obviously have one of the best voices in the biz and you almost have me convinced to join weight watchers. But as I discussed with Skip, when your best song from both your albums is “Spotlight” I think it’s time to surround yourself with some new songwriters/producers. I’m praying you are currently chatting it up with the silver fox that helped Adele write “Rolling in the Deep” because he is exactly what you need.
Chris Brown. DAMN YOU!! I try so hard not to like you after what you did to my girl Rhianna, but then you keep coming out with awesome dance moves and catchy pop tunes that keep weaseling their way into my affections.
Jennifer Hudson. You nailed the Whitney Houston tribute, although I wouldn’t have minded if you had thrown in a little “Million Dollar Bill” to perk up the depressing white elephant in the room. But let’s get down to brass tacks. You obviously have one of the best voices in the biz and you almost have me convinced to join weight watchers. But as I discussed with Skip, when your best song from both your albums is “Spotlight” I think it’s time to surround yourself with some new songwriters/producers. I’m praying you are currently chatting it up with the silver fox that helped Adele write “Rolling in the Deep” because he is exactly what you need.
Nicki Minaj. WHAT. WERE . YOU. THINKING???? Your performance
left me feeling like I needed to go to confessional. And who the hell is
Gaga. I’m incredibly impressed by the self-control you
conveyed by only making one outfit change during the entire night. I really
didn’t think you had it in you.
Katy Perry. Love the new song. I will obviously be buying
it….after I get that tax return. But for the love of Whitney Houston… STEP AWAY
Beach Boys/Beach Boy cover bands. Aside from all things
Adele, you were the highlight of the show for me. Loved every minute of that
nostalgic trip through my musical past, even if the guy from Foster the People
was super awkward and kinda pitchy. I was left wishing you had all been there
when I saw you perform at that Indian Casino somewhere outside of Yakima,
Washington. Things are obviously looking up for you because there really wasn’t
anywhere to go but up as I sat between my parents in bleachers while 50 year
old couples got tipsy and awkwardly danced around to “Surfer Girl”.